Monday, January 17, 2011

Top Selling 100 Books of All Time

I've recently become a fan of The Guardian, a British news website. Specifically I love their section on books, which recently published a list of the top selling 100 books of all time (click here). While I don't tend to put a lot of weight on lists claiming to rank the 'best' books of all time, I do enjoy lists like this because they show what people are actually reading. 

Of the 100 books on the list I've read 29. All of the Harry Potter books are listed (one of my favorite series of books) as well as the Twilight series (one of my most hated series of books, and yes, I've read them all). Below are some of the books listed which I found interesting: 

#54 The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
One of my favorite children's books. 

#61 The House at Riverton by Kate Morton
Fantastic novel by a young Australian novelist. I'm hoping to start her most recent book, The Distant Hours, soon. 

#66 & #96 The Subtle Knife & The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman
Part of His Dark Materials Trilogy (the title taken from John Milton's epic religious poem Paradise Lost) Pullman's spellbinding books have been described as the anti-C.S. Lewis for children. The books are fantastic and a great read. Skip the horrible movie adaptation of The Golden Compass with Nicole Kidman. 

#86 The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Not shocking that this book would find it's way onto the list, however, I consider it to be one of the most overrated books of the 20th Century.